ඔබ ගැටළු වලට මුහුණ දෙන්නේ නම් වහාම මා අමතන්න!

අපට තැපැල් කරන්න: [email protected]

අප සඳහා අමතන්න: + 86-411 82819538

සියලු ප්රවර්ග

කාර් පසුපස දර්පණය

You are definitely going to adjust the rearview mirror when you get behind the wheel of your car. This is very essential mirror as this helps you to have the view of what is at the back of your car. Visibility in your OOZOM කාර් පසුපස දර්පණය is vital when you are on the road. You can check for oncoming cars, bikes and people behind you with your rearview mirror. So that accidents do not happen and the safety of all is okay.

The Evolution of Rearview Mirrors

Back then rear view mirrors were far from being as effective as they are now. The first mirrors were tiny and you had to adjust them yourself. They really couldn't be much they can show you behind of the car which is a worry. Today, however, the automakers have been trying to create more ideal rearview mirrors. In fact, a few of the more recent mirrors can even dim themselves at will to reduce glare from those all-too-bright lights they are beaming your way. This allows it to be seen without being so bright as other jeep headlights.

Why choose OOZOM Car rearview mirror?

අදාළ නිෂ්පාදන කාණ්ඩ

ඔබ සොයන දේ සොයා නොගන්නේද?
තවත් පවතින නිෂ්පාදන සඳහා අපගේ උපදේශකයින් අමතන්න.

දැන් උපුටා ගැනීමක් ඉල්ලන්න

අවස්ථාව ලබා දී